Sunday, 26 June 2011

June 26th: Test Bed Two. Let’s start again!

As I mentioned in my other blog today, I under-fed the Better World plants for the past month (and still got better results than with MiracleGro).  But I want to see how well Better World can perform if I actually follow the instructions, ie: use the recommended dosages. 

Here’s my new test beds, with Better World Plant Food mixed into the soil to start with. 

I’m doing this on the ultra-cheap. I’m using trays and containers from the Dollar Store, because clay pots (I know they’re better) are expensive. And heavy! I have to haul all this stuff up 3 flights of stairs.... 
The nice ladies at East End Garden Centre recommended I use container soil, instead of Triple Mix.


 Peas from seed.

 Discounted ‘Mister Lincoln’ variety roses from my local IGA. 
The leaves were spotty when I got these plants. Probably one reason they’re on sale?

 Carrots from seed.

Lettuce from seed.

If I can find some more strawberries, I’ll add those too. And some decent basil. I hate the taste of the Columnar Basil. 

Stay tuned! You never know how I’ll screw up next! There’s a reason I chose the moniker: The Lazy Gardener. 

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