As I mentioned in my other blog today, I under-fed the Better World plants for the past month (and still got better results than with MiracleGro). But I want to see how well Better World can perform if I actually follow the instructions, ie: use the recommended dosages.
Here’s my new test beds, with Better World Plant Food mixed into the soil to start with.
Here’s my new test beds, with Better World Plant Food mixed into the soil to start with.
I’m doing this on the ultra-cheap. I’m using trays and containers from the Dollar Store, because clay pots (I know they’re better) are expensive. And heavy! I have to haul all this stuff up 3 flights of stairs....
The nice ladies at East End Garden Centre recommended I use container soil, instead of Triple Mix.
Peas from seed.
Discounted ‘Mister Lincoln’ variety roses from my local IGA.
The leaves were spotty when I got these plants. Probably one reason they’re on sale?
Carrots from seed.
Lettuce from seed.
If I can find some more strawberries, I’ll add those too. And some decent basil. I hate the taste of the Columnar Basil.
Stay tuned! You never know how I’ll screw up next! There’s a reason I chose the moniker: The Lazy Gardener.
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