Sunday, 12 June 2011

June 12th: measurements and some more colour.

This is the beginning of Week 3 in my little experiment.  And the numbers are showing  more height gains to the Miracle Gro. But in terms of actual edible output, Better World is ahead (check out the strawberries. And the marigolds, if you care to eat them.).

                                  MiracleGro      gain                    Better World        gain 

• Raspberry                  21.5 in            +2.0                  17.0 in                      +1.0

• Basil                             15.0                 +2.5                  13.0                        +1.0

• Tomato                         14.5                  +4.5                 14.0                       +2.5

• Marigold                      2 blooms                                8 blooms

 The chart above the picture refers to the contents of these baskets.

 Water only. The jalapeno peppers seem happiest with water (the tall things to left of the lettuce). Dumb peppers; everyone knows you need beer with peppers to cut the heat, not water! 

Miracle-Gro. Beans in the little pot seem happiest here. 

 Better World Organic Plant Food. Everything looks happy here, especially the strawberries.  
See close ups below. 

Water only. Still nuthin'!

 Miracle-Gro. Only one sadly deformed ripe berry.

Better World Plant Food.  Wow! 

Here’s two other images. Plants I’m following, just for myself. Fed Better World: 

I’d say it’s time to get the whipped cream out for these babies! 


  1. Holy Mackerel! Those strawbs look great! It is appearing, perhaps that the Better World encourages fruit production. It is hard to say definitively at this point (for me) but I can see with my own peonies that the plant seems confident enough to bloom. I am not sure I am seeing such benefit in my sugar snap peas (I think I have one bloom on the plant?!) but again, that could be due to seed problems.

    However, your strawberry plants, that is very interesting, and at least for the strawberry plants, it seems that BW is giving them something they need to bear fruit, literally.

  2. I agree Gwen. Better World seems to work very well.
