Wednesday 6 July 2011

July 6th: Today’s Tomato Tally.

My tomatoes are coming in nicely. But I have some yellowing leaves. Mixed research on what is causing it.
Some reports tell me “too much water,” others say “not enough water,” others “not enough nutrients,” or “too much sun,” “disease,” and my favourite— “it’s normal.”

Doing this much research goes against all the rules of The Lazy Gardener Creed. 
As the upper parts of the plant seems healthy, and the fruit is coming in, I’m going to go with “it’s normal.”
The two beds.

Miracle Gro bed. These are being fed every week, so it can’t be a lack of nutrient.

Largest MiracleGro tomato.

Better World bin. Plants showing less yellow.
 My largest tomato on Better World. Kicking butt, I’d say. 

 The Better World bin has 8 tomatoes growing. 

Miracle Gro bin has 7 tomatoes, not as large.


  1. Who knows with the yellowing leaves? I have a cucumber that seems to be starting to die? Not sure, will post on my blog about that later. Puzzling.

  2. Hi Gwen,
    I think the heat has a lot to do with it. My deck gets full sun all day. I think it's too much for plants in containers.
