Monday 4 July 2011

July 4th: Invasion of the Klingons, the sequel?

Independence Day in the U.S.A. today. 
And something invaded my garden again last night.

Here’s the eggplant on water only.

Here's the eggplant on Miracle Gro. 

This is where the eggplant USED to be on Better World. 
(See July 2nd post).
The critter took my strawberry too! 
(See July 2nd post).

I guess this means even animals (or space aliens) think food grown on Better World just tastes better

The tomatoes on Miracle Gro are finally catching up to Better World. 

Raspberries seem to be coming in at last! Planted these on May 25th.
These are on Miracle Gro.

Tomatoes on Better World are humming along. 

Raspberry on Better World is showing some budding too, but not as much as on Miracle Gro.
Raspberries are part of the rose family. My test roses seem to be doing better on Miracle Gro as well. Hmmmmm... coincidence?  

And the bean plant on Better World.....
... is blooming and fruiting. Or beaning... whatever it is bean plants do. 

Carrot seeds are starting to sprout on the Better World side. 

And finally: I’m readying the defenses against further alien attacks. 


  1. With that many beans in one pot, you probably need to feed them more than what is recommended for the amount of soil in the pot... that is what the yellowing of the leafs indicate to me.

  2. Thank you for the tip! I'll try that.
