Wednesday 6 July 2011

July 6th: Eggplant flowering.

Comparing the eggplants...
 Looking healthy again, after I sprayed the bugs with diluted dish soap. 
(See July 2nd posting.)

 Eggplant on water only is flowering. (I hope that’s a good sign?!)

Eggplant on MiracleGro is slow to develop.

My Better World eggplant was attacked by a critter of the night on July 1st. 
Thankfully, I also have a back up (in the same bin with the fig tree).
Eggplant on Better World (mixed into the soil) is blooming and booming.

FYI: NPK values: 
Miracle Gro: 24-8-16
Better World: 3-3-3

1 comment:

  1. Lovely purple flower on the eggplant. Never seen a growing eggplant before.
